Friday, May 8, 2009

The new newspaper!

Hey guys guess what there is a new newspaper in town and its The Weller Fifth Grade Newspaper and let me tell you as soon as we posted the first page we got immediate rsponces form our readers saying that it was excellent! So please can you to view this awesome newspaper, please?

And heres the link:
PS: Im the political news writer in the newspaper!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Apocalyptism and its conclusions

Apocalypticism is the religious belief that the world will come to an end very soon, usually meaning within one's own lifetime. This belief is usually accompanied by the idea that civilization, as we know it, will soon come to a tumultuous end with some sort of global event, usually war. Apocolypticism is usually conjoined with esoteric knowledge that will likely be revealed in a major confrontation between good and evil forces, destined to change the course of history. Apocalypses can be viewed as good, evil, ambiguous or neutral, depending on the belief system. They can appear as a personal or group tendency, an outlook or a perceptual frame of reference, or a just rhetorical style. Beliefs in apocalypses can lead people towards paranoia, relief, hyperactivity, passivity, lethargy or depression while awaiting the perceived or possible end.
Christian apocalypticism

Some understand John the Baptist, Jesus Christ, and the Apostles to have been apocalypticists who preached that the world would end within their lifetimes, while others understand them to have believed the end of the world (and the beginning of the next) could come at any moment, even, as the Apostles hoped, within their own lifetime.
The preaching of John was, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Mat. 3:2), and Jesus also taught this same message (Mat 4:17; Mark 1:15). Additionally, Jesus spoke of the signs of "the close of the age" in the Olivet Discourse in Mat 24 (and parallels), near the end of which he said, "[T]his generation will not pass away until all these things take place" (v. 34). Interpreters have understood this phrase in a variety of ways, including that Jesus was a mistaken apocalypticist, that most of what he described was fulfilled in the destruction of the Temple in the Roman Siege of Jerusalem (see Preterism), and that "generation" should be understood instead to mean "race" (see NIV marginal note on Mat 24:34).
Various Christian eschatological systems have developed, providing different frameworks for understanding the timing and nature of such predictions. Some like dispensational premillennialism tend more toward an apocalyptic vision, while others like postmillennialism and amillennialism, while teaching that the end of the world could come at any moment, tend to focus on the present life and not set expectations for the timing of the end, though there are exceptions such as postmillennialist Jonathan Edwards who attempted to calculate the precise timing of the end times.
Apocalypticism in culture
Apocalypticism is a frequent theme of literature, film and television. It also influences political policy through movements such as Christian Zionism, and in the dualism seen when politicians demonize their enemies as unholy, bad, evil, or even Satanic. This process often involves conspiracism, in which the apocalyptic enemy is alleged to be engaged in a conspiracy against the good or Godly people.

Apocalypticism was especially evident with the approach of the millennial year 2000, but it need not be tied to a particular calendar date. The next popularly predicted date for the apocalyse is in 2012, on the basis that this year signifies the end of the Mayan calendar. Many hundreds of books and predictions have been made throughout history about looming apocalypses and none of them have ever come true. Christian fundamentalists, the most popular apocalyptians, have been buzzing with end time expectations since the Jews returned to Israel in 1948 but, arguably, nothing has solidly come true from this yet. When it comes to apocalyptic views and beliefs, only the future seems to be able to tell, and the future seems to be up to us. Still there are no guarantees that unknown forces won't intervene at some point, or that unknown natural cycles won't reassert themselves.
Source: Wikipedia

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The website's business card

IT says ( at top) A kid's tech (underlined) (with globe pic at right). 2nd row says: "We have no greed but to give you what you need"! 3rd row say: EST.2006 and
Bottom rows says: The place to be when your free, (with smilie face with thumbs up sign).

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Welcome to my tech!

Image by Cool Text: Logo and Button Generator - Create Your Own

April madness!!

April's wacky madness
Attention all busy gamers and downloaders, do not download anything form the web today because if you do today your system will (110%) crash down. And it will make it super hard for you to pull back previous data saved in the system!! SO Just dont download anything today and if possible tommorow too!!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Wii-volution here we come!!

The wii-volution is shown to the left.

Word has spread that the wii-volution (wii2) project, is to start on April 28, 2009. The Wii-volution is basically a extention to the wii system and is said to have a head set to enable better gameplay when playing the wii2 system. There is minimum info released about this future system, and it si said that the wii-volution will be released on May 5, 2011.

And trust me I cant wait to be able to play in that amazing futuristic system!!
PS: This is not 100% confirmed, but is said to happen.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Guitar Hero Wii with out the guitar!

Did you know guitar hero for the wii can be played without the wii guitar!

Here is the translation code:
B: Green
Right on D pad: Red
A: Yellow
Button 1: Blue
Button 2: Orange

So next time you buy Guitar Hero Wii game dont go for the 80 dollar pack with the guitar just go for the 50 dollar only game set, and ta-da you just saved 30 dollars there!


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The open territory!

To all readers, I the cool trickmaster am now announcing my new "scheeme-"ish" plan, that from now on if your intrested in addind your hot topics dtails and etc all you need to do is send oyour email to and i'll grant you an account which will then enable you to to be a part of thislog and write too! Like me! Why I'm saying this is because I know how hard it feels to fill in a new blog, so by creating a username ad password in this, you can add anything you want to this blog and no limitations!

All you have to do after you sent your email address is you have to wait for "this" mail to come to your email adress which will then ask your what email adress/username you sent and what you want your password to be! And as soon as that is over viola! You have your own blog username!

And then on all you have to do is click the sign in button on the upper right corner ant type in your username and password. And to sign out just press this button at the top right corner that says sign out and there you go you know it all!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Super Smash Bros.

Great Melee Smash Brothers) is a series of fighting games published by Nintendo, featuring characters from established video games. The gameplay differs from traditional fighters for focusing on knocking opponents out of the stage instead of depleting life bars. The original Super Smash Bros., released in 1999 on the Nintendo 64, had a small budget and was originally a Japan-only release, but its success led to a worldwide release. The series achieved even greater success with Super Smash Bros. Melee, released in 2001 for the Nintendo GameCube, becoming the best selling game on that system. The third installment, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, was released on Wii on January 31, 2008 in Japan, March 9, 2008 in North America, and will be released in Europe on June 27, 2008. Although HAL Laboratory has been the developer of the first two titles, the third game was developed by a cooperation of different developers.
The game features many characters from Nintendo's most popular games, like Mario, Fox, Link, and Samus Aran. Super Smash Bros. had 12 characters, and the number rose to 25 characters in Melee and 35 in Brawl. Some characters are able to transform into different forms that have different styles of play and sets of moves. The games also feature non-playable Nintendo characters, like Ridley and Petey Piranha. In Brawl, two third party characters were added, Sonic the Hedgehog and Solid Snake.
The series has been well-received by critics, with much praise to the multiplayer mode, although their single player modes did not get the same praise. Although the original had mixed reviews, both Melee and Brawl were widely acclaimed by critics and fans alike.